Monday, September 17, 2007

Project 1: Claim

Claim: Despite popular demand,
full day kindergarten is beneficial for children.

Qualifier: Full day Kindergarten is beneficial for (some but not all) children cognitively and developmentally.

Reason you are an authority: I am an authority on this topic because I have researched the topic and I am an elementary education major that has spent time learning how children learn.

Reason one: Beneficial of cognitive growth in children.

  • What makes this reason relevant?
    • This is a relevant reason because children that attend full day kindergarten excel in math and reading, than those children that attend half-day kindergarten.
  • What makes this reason effective?
    • This is an effective reason because most parents want their children to excel in school and not be left behind because they can not operate to their full potential.
  • What evidence supports this reason?
    • The evidence of this reason is from The Child's Trend Data Bank on Full Day Kindergarten, it announces that children that attend full day kindergarten exceed in math a reading in when tested in second grade than those who did not attend (Gullo, 2000).
  • Is this evidence sufficient and credible?
    • Yes, the evidence is credible because it came from a national survey.

Reason two: Beneficial for developmental growth in children.

  • What makes this reason relevant?
    • This is a relevant reason because children that do not attend full day kindergarten develop socially, behaviorally and emotionally slower than students who do attend.
  • What makes this reason effective?
    • Students that do not develop as others will sometimes be put into special programs, and parents never want their child to be singled out.
  • What evidence supports this reason?
    • The evidence that supports this reason is that in the essay, Summary of Research, Full Day Kindergarten, there are records of students that were developing slower are recommended to attend two half days of kindergarten (Martinez and Snider, Intro).
  • Is this evidence sufficient and credible?
    • Yes, the evidence is credible because it is a university study.

Reason three: Kindergarten Teachers able to complete kindergarten objectives.

  • What makes this reason relevant?
    • This reason is relevant since there is much more for students to grasp in kindergarten a half day does not allow the child to get a well rounded development of both cognitive and developmental growth. A full day allows teachers to focus on both.
  • What makes this reason effective?
    • The reason is effective because teachers are under a lot of pressure to complete so many objectives by the end of the year that sometimes they are only able to focus on the cognitive growth and not the developmental growth.
  • What evidence supports this reason?
    • The evidence that supports this reason is that the essay,
      Summary of Research, Full Day Kindergarten, states that full day kindergarten teachers believe that they are able to have a more individual relationship with the student and his/her family. Also it is a way for the teacher to better prepare the student for first grade and also to detect learning problems, which may help avoid special education.
  • Is this evidence sufficient and credible?
    • This is a credible source because it is a research that is done by a university on full day kindergarten.

Reason four: Parents of children is Kindergarten believe it is beneficial for their child.

  • What makes this reason relevant?
    • Parents of children in full day kindergarten like how the child is getting a well rounded education and that the parents are able to have a more individualized relationship with their child's teacher. Also the parents do not have to worry about a day care for their child because they are being cared for while they are learning.
  • What makes this reason effective?
    • This is an effective reason because most parents feel that a child needs structure and to be a well rounded student. Most parents want their child to be social and they are allowed to achieve that in full day kindergarten.
  • What evidence supports this reason?
    • The evidence that supports this reason comes from the essay,
      Summary of Research, Full Day Kindergarten, parents want their children to be educated in one place and want their students to socialize well with others. Another reason that parents want their children to attend is that the parents believe that it is a great step to prepare for first grade.
  • Is this evidence sufficient and credible?
    • This is a credible source because it is a research that is done by a university on full day kindergarten.

Reason five: Full day kindergarten readies a child for first grade.

  • What makes this reason relevant?
    • If a child is under prepared for first grade the child is already behind before they start. Children that attend preschool and full day kindergarten are more like to exceed socially and cognitively in first grade than if they only attend half day kindergarten.
  • What makes this reason effective?
    • Children are better prepared for first grade and are more likely to have a smoother transition if they have already attended full day kindergarten.
  • What evidence supports this reason?
    • The Clearing House on Early Education and Parenting, says a students social skills will be at a higher level than students who only attend half day kindergarten. The social interactions that the child receives in a full day allow to be calmer and also to learn to approach the teacher in times of need.
  • Is this evidence sufficient and credible?
    • This is a credible source because it is a web site that is dedicated to helping students and parents.


1. Objection: The curriculum of full day kindergarten is too hard for the children.

Rebuttal: The curriculum of a full day is actually quite beneficial for students. They not only are able to develop cognitively but they are able to benefit socially. The extra time in the classroom allows students to learn how to interact in the environment that they will be a part of for the next twelve years of their life. The children are able to have more of a hands on environment rather than the teacher lecturing the material.

2. Objection: Full day kindergarten wears a child out.
A full day of kindergarten actually allows the child breaks from learning in order to focus on other aspects of development such as behavioral and emotional. Children are not always drilled on facts and learning they are actually given one on one time to develop their social growth.

3. Objection: Kindergarten teachers do not want to work a full day.
Kindergarten teachers are able to complete the criteria of the classroom more effectively with more time. The time that is allowed in a half day only allows for the cognitive growth of the child and not the developmental growth. Kindergarten teachers prefer a full day in order to better prepare their students for first grade.

4. Objection: Parents don't have a right and are being forced to send a child to full day Kindergarten.    
Although many states are making full day kindergarten mandatory because of the resent research that it allows the child to achieve more in later years, most states still allow the parents a choice on whether or not to send the child to a full day. Many believe that a full day will actually help their child be prepared for first grade and give them that social interaction with other children that they may not be getting at home.

5. Objection: Children don't need full day kindergarten to be ready for first grade.
Kindergarten is the next step after preschool and has been shown that children who attend full day kindergarten after preschool have a better transition into first grade. Their social skills and cognitive skills are more developed than that of a child that attended half day kindergarten.

1 comment:

Shoemaker05 said...

You have very strong reasons and they are backed up very well. I think you're doing a great job!